
Monday, February 21, 2011

Week 8 Reflection

The GAME plan I developed and followed throughout the Integrating Technology Across the Content Areas course here at Walden University really helped me integrate technology into all the content areas I teach at my middle school as the project upgrade teacher. I was excited to bring what I learned to school each week and share with other teachers I work with. It is my job to implement technology into Science, Math, Social Studies in grades 6 -8. Having just started this new position in December and not having input from the previous teacher, this course came along at the perfect time. I find technology encourages students to be engaged in lessons. They have grown up with technology all around them. In fact a wider variety of technologies are in use now than when I was a child and I do not consider myself old. Technology has just evolved that quickly since I was in elementary school. Computers and the Internet are effective tools to support content learning and critical thinking skills. I have learned that preparing students to be able to answer questions, solve real world problems collaboratively in groups with the aide of technology will prepare them for the future.
This class has taught me to be a self-directed learner by assessing my current technology compentencies and monitoring the steps I take to integrate technology into my own class. I have written weekly about how I am staying up to date with current emerging technologies and constantly assessed where I am and where I want to be. Integrating technology into my lessons was not aways easy but setting a GAME plan, working with other cooperating teachers, I was able to take action and meet my goals. Monitoring my progress weekly in my reflective blog postings allowed me to evaulate whether my goals were achieved as well as how I can extend what I learned to new situations/lesson in the future.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Week 7 - Using the GAME Plan Process with Students

Looking back at my GAME Plan, my first blog post listed goals that would improve my professional practice as well as actions I would take to develop a technology-enriched learning environment where students can pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in class. I am pleased with the steps I have taken so far to reach my goal and want model for my students how to meet the National Education Standards and meet their Goals.

There are similarities I see between the Teachers NETS standards and the students NETS standards. as an example student goal #2 - communication and Collaboration – Students use digital media and environments interact and work collaboratively, where individual learning and collaborative learning is supported. This standard is very similar to Teacher goal # 3 Model digital-age work and learning: Teachers communicate information and ideas to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats. In order to teach students this standard I would model working collaboratively with any co-teacher I work with in the G&T push-in program. I am generally working hand in hand with another teacher whether they are in the room with me or if we communicate via blog, email, Skype or some other form of digital media. Students can collaborate with other members of a group while working on the Presentations from home now by using Prezi's. I recently did a presentation in Science on how students can work in groups to complete their final presentations with out the use of a flash drive, or having to ask mom and dad for a ride over to a friends house. They can easily collaborate over the computer via email and make the additions to a group presentation easily with the use of

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Revising My GAME Plan

In my first week my very 1st goal was:

1 - Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessment incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS•S

I am happy to say I have initiated a science lesson last week where students will collaborate online to create a presentation. In the past students created power points. Now with the aide of students can work at school with out the use of a flashdrive, then they can go home or to any computer and continue to work on their presentation and do not have to be together. The beauty of the prezi is each person can truly be responsible and held accountable for their section of work. If they are absent they can continue where they left off on the presentation from home.

My next goal will be to have students collaborate with other students outside of our class or school online. I have looked into the to do this. I am seeking other classes that have similar core content objectives as our classroom.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Monitoring My GAME Plan Progress week 5

Sorry for the delay in posting - it has been a crazy week. All of you from the North that got hammered by the snow know! :)
On to my posting: Working collaboratively is key when it comes to integrating technology into the classroom. I have had one co-worker/teacher that has been a huge asset to me this week in strengthening my confidence and proficiency seamlessly integrating technology into the content area I teach. Mr. Vikete and I co-teach technology and Project-Upgrade (which is also know as Gifted and Talented at our Middle School). It is true that two minds are better than one. I was able to integrate not one but two new forms of technology into math this week and that was the use of a Prezi and a screen cast.
Mr. Vikete and I sat down and thought of ways we could teach the 7th grade students Scale Factors that met the needs of all the learners in the class with differing abilities. We thought of Gardner's multiple intelligences that students possess and way students express themselves. There are numerous students that are gifted in Art and wanted to have the students draw a scale image of a hot wheels car and gave them a role to play as a marketing executive/graphic artist. Students were able to manipulate objects on the Smart board in front of the room as well as their scale object (car) and spatial represent it on their paper. Logical - mathematical intelligence was used to process ratio and fraction problems and linguistic intelligence was utilized through effective written communication to the Vice President of Hot Wheels in their written presentation on their power point they created. Once the lesson is complete students will save their finished project in their virtual portfolio. We can now track the progress of individual students with the use of online portfolios.
My lesson certainly has come a long way from where it began and that is all thanks to the Integrating Technology Across the Content Areas class I'm in at Walden as well as my co-teachers help on this assignment.